Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pets in Paris.

 If you are going on vacation to Paris and you want to bring your pet, these next blogs are for you, for we are going to explore some of the challenges with bringing your own pets and what exactly you might need to look for.  For one, you want to make sure that wherever you are staying accepts pets.
In Paris, there are not that many places that will actually allow you to have a pet inside – especially hotel rooms, so this is certainly something that you are going to want to check on.  You also want to make sure that you do your research.
What this means is that you are researching exactly where you can take your pet – as that is going to be important as well.


  1. I love paris, and i love pets :) Just sharing some love :P

  2. I will keep intent, i want to go to paris badly, and i have a dog i wish to take... thanks!

  3. a very romantic city with no dogs alowed

  4. I plan to visit Paris in a couple years, and tour the good parts of Europe. One of these days..

  5. I would love to go to Paris and bring my puppy! I would feel so bad about leaving them in cargo for the plane ride though. I guess I could just pretend to be blind and have her be my seeing eye dog...

  6. Dogs are too cool to leave at home while you vacation.
